Sunday, September 20, 2009

A day day day to clean clean clean...

Seriously, my house is a D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R.

However...I happened to log onto The Pioneer Woman's blog to catch up on the few months I've missed. Her blog is wonderful, it is awesome and it is inspiring. It makes me want to write and take pictures and cook...all things I LOVE to do. If you've never been there, go. It's a great site.

However (again) my house, as previously mentioned, is a MESS.

Brad left for the weekend with L-Boogie and some other assorted males (okay, not assorted, they were a set--Matt, Gavin & Ephraim, all related, Dad, kid, kid, in that order.) to Ocean Shores for the weekend. Man time.

This previous week we've all be sick with icky flu/colds so the house, of course, was the first to go down the tubes. Not to mention that I was gone for six days down to SoCal for a funeral the week before 'sickie week'. Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway) our home is scary messy and I need to fix it.

I'd just rather read blogs and write on mine. HAS been a while.

More on my trip and what exactly I do when I can't sleep and my husband is gone later.

For now...dishes.


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