Monday, February 9, 2009

Writer's Block

Yep...I have it.

I have been bogged down with not so positive emotions/states of mind lately. Here's a brief list:

Anger's not "That Time of the Month".

When this happens, my creativity shuts down...because I think if I write all those emotions will be evident in my writing. I can't even think of drawing or painting when I'm in this state. I can't really think of doing anything.

I like to find solutions to problems. I'd rather have a knock down drag out fight over something than not talk about it. I hate being in a rut and when I am I crave change. Sometimes, though, you can't change anything about your situation because it's not in your hands.

That is where I am right now. Where I can only change myself, accept what is happening and allow someone else to take care of business. This involves trust. Trust that they will do the right thing, trust that they will be my defender and my voice. Trust in open hearts and grace and love to overcome all that other yucky crap listed above. Oh...and patience. Yes, patience...which, for me, is something that is cultivated, not naturally grown in my heart.

So needless to say--I had writer's block and now I have a few paragraphs of whiny drivel to share with you. I'm not sure which is better!

This is my life.