Loren: Mama, I think I know why Walmart is called Walmart.
Me: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Loren: Because when you shop there you have to use money from your wallet. Walmart, wallet. See?
Me: Ah...well that is definitely true, you need your wallet if you want to shop there...that makes sense!
Loren: (Gives a big smile)
I'm pretty sure the store's name has something to do with the founders name, but whatever. We pass one every day on the way to school so I'm sure he's had lots of time to come up with that explanation. We shop there on occasion, especially when we used to get gift certificates there as "bonuses" from Brads previous employer-who-sucks-and-shall-not-be-named. (Rhymes with horizon...) but not very often anymore. Fred's actually has gluten free stuff and Winco has better prices most of the time. Either way, I can't wait to see what he comes up for Winco, Safeway and Albertson's!